20 actions to reduce the carbon footprint of buildings

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Energy efficiency and savings are now major issues that must be addressed in the management of buildings. Owners and managers alike need to make impactful decisions and set up actions for change with immediate effect. Are you wondering where to start? Take a look at our practical fact sheet to find out how to reduce the carbon footprint of your buildings. 

Reducing the carbon footprint of a building: a major challenge for all of us

The Future Buildings Standard deadline is right around the corner. Objective: reduce the energy consumption of buildings in the tertiary sector. In addition, the new requirements of building users are also moving matters along: 43% of employees feel that their company is "shamefully" lacking in respect for the environment.

This proves that the environment is at the heart of all concerns. And that in order to meet the targets set by the government and meet the expectations of occupants, remembering to switch the lights off or turn the coffee machine off no longer constitutes as sufficient action. 

Our experts have created a practical fact sheet to help you understand why the building sector is particularly affected by the issue of environmental protection and how to respond to this. 

A complete practical fact sheet to help you understand everything and get started

We can help you achieve your new goal of reducing the carbon footprint of assets under management. On your practical fact sheet, you will find:

Follow our advice and adopt a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to your building. Download your practical fact sheet!

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