What does IoT mean for the built environment?

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The Internet of Things, or IoT, has transformative potential. IoT refers to physical devices connected to the Internet. These, in the built space, are sensors which can gather data relating to pedestrian footfall, motion, air quality, temperature, and the condition of critical equipment, such as lifts or escalators. IoT in elevators alone can paint a clearer picture of a building’s occupancy than most building managers or owners currently have access to. Few, outside of those who have to understand occupancy (such as those who manage co-working spaces) really know who is coming in or out of their building. Nor is it always possible to know how a building is being used, or received by its occupants.  That’s when IoT, married to the sophisticated analytics software making raw data intelligible, can be so valuable.

Though IoT building owners can have greater knowledge of their buildings than they have ever had. Asset managers and owners can dramatically reduce their carbon
footprint, turning ventilators, heating units and lights on or off as needed.

Read Tom's full article for Modern Builder here!

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