Why has my escalator stopped?

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Why has my escalator stopped?

We’ve all had to grudgingly walk up a motionless escalator that’s stopped working, which always seems to happen on a day when you have a heavy bag to carry.

But what has caused the escalator to stop?

In this short article, we’ve outlined a few of the main causes for a faulty escalator, and more importantly, how this can be prevented in the future.



Luckily, your escalator can have a long and problem-free life when properly taken care of and with proper maintenance. Here are some of the preventative measures that you can take to ensure this:

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Unfortunately, escalator breakdowns are a common and daily occurrence in the vertical transportation industry and can disrupt the flow of people in a building.

Escalators have an average lifecycle of 20 years, based on environment, usage and maintenance schedule. WeMaintain can offer different contract options, modernisation and upgrade solutions to extend this lifecycle for a number of years, avoiding the need for a full replacement and disruption to your building. And in the short-term, WeMaintain can maximise the availability of your escalators, using a combination of technology, highly skilled engineers and quality maintenance.

Our average escalator call-out rate (number of breakdowns / number of escalators maintained) of 0.68, within our goal of 1.75, is a testament to WeMaintain’s successful business model.


Contact WeMaintain for better, smarter maintenance of your escalator: cheryl@wemaintain.com

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