6 Months of Progress: our Journey as a B Corp

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At WeMaintain, our commitment to responsible operations drives us to impact our stakeholders and the environment positively. As a B Corp, we continuously strive to improve our performance in all five areas of impact: the environment, workers, governance, community, and customers.

In the six months since we became B Corp certified, we have focused on identifying challenges within these impact areas and are currently working on finding the right solutions to implement in line with our values.

In terms of the environment, we conducted our first carbon assessment in France last year, which was the first step in our journey. Based on this experience, we decided to focus on improving our data collection methods to ensure accuracy in our next carbon assessment. We will cover our operations across the UK and Singapore in addition to France. We are committed to transparency and will share our progress as we work towards our net-zero strategy.

We have also begun mapping out a baseline for waste management to identify the biggest opportunities for waste reduction across all services we provide and within our offices. Our goal is to develop a realistic and achievable strategy and communicate our progress transparently.

We are exploring partnerships with organizations that share our commitment to sustainability and will consider the input of all our stakeholders in our efforts.

Regarding workers, we recently published our 2022 Diversity impact score, which reflects our commitment to promoting diversity and ensuring equal opportunities for all. Our score for 2022 is 99% in France and 79% globally (92% in June 2022, a significant improvement). We have also implemented new well-being mechanisms to support our employees' health and well-being.

We will continue to monitor and solicit regular feedback from our team.

In governance, we have policies and procedures in place to ensure that our decisions are consistent with the needs of all our stakeholders. We carefully analyze possible legal, ethical, and financial issues and consider the impact on the people affected by our decisions.

We are proud to be a B Corp and to have set high standards for ourselves. Our ongoing efforts to meet these standards are reflected in our B Impact Assessment score of 82.8, which is well above the median score for ordinary businesses. We will continue to work on improving our performance across all impact areas and look forward to sharing our progress in the future.

You can visit our ESG engagement page to learn more about how we are committed to creating a sustainable future.

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